I'm a writer, photographer, music composer, crafter, maker, dancer, actor, voice-over artist... you could call me a Jill of all Trades.

I'm a crafty, Christian girl who loves everything artsy. Check out all the things I do at www.WordiGirl.com.

I've been here on Medium for a long while, but I haven't posted very much. The reason being my busy life... but also the fact that I didn't see much fiction being posted here. I do write blog-worthy non-fiction on occasion-- especially around holidays on social media-- but I post a lot more frequently on TheProse.Com. Then, I realized, there's nothing stopping me from posting fiction here too, so I'm going to try to start doing that more.

All the photographs utilized in my posts were taken by me (with the exception of a few non-selfies that were taken OF me by Andre Morton, case in point, the pic above.)

Thanks for taking the time to read. Have an exuberantly blessed day!!!

Connect with WordiGirl


I’m a writer, photographer, music composer, crafter, maker, dancer, actor… you could call me a Jill of all Trades. Have an exuberantly blessed day!!!